Eight years ago, I didn't even know who Radiohead was. Today, not only do I know who they are, but I'm a huge fan as well...and I owe it all to my husband. I may consider myself a huge fan, but I wouldn't dare dream of saying that I'm as big a fan as he is. He introduced me to them a few weeks after we started dating, when the the "Amnesiac" album was released. I was skeptical, to say the least, and little did I know that I would not only come to love them, but our future chip-off-the-ole-block son would, too. (That's right--Calvin adores Radiohead...just ask him, I dare ya!)

Last month I had the great privilege of accompanying my husband to see Radiohead live at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. You know those lists people make of the things they have to do before they die? Well, for Dave, seeing Radiohead in concert would rank near the top of the list. He was like a kid counting down the days till Christmas for the 2 months prior to the concert. And his reaction to the concert itself?? Euphoric doesn't even begin to describe it! I not only immensely enjoyed the concert, but got equally as much joy out of watching my husband bask in the glow of one of his all-time favorite bands. Finally..."everything in its right place."
1 comment:
Well, knowing how excited he was to come to Denver and see "Yes" 5 years ago, I can only imagine his elation at being able to see another of his very favorite bands! And you didn't even have to travel far to see it! Way cool! Great photo, too!
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